Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gobi Paratha - How to make Punjabi special Gobi Parata

Gobi Paratha, among all parathas most people prefer gobi paratha, I too love it and here comes its recipe.

Risk Factor:
Cauliflower and Cabbage are not good for people suffering with Thyroid especially with Hypo Thyroidism. Occasionally is good but people with higher levels of either Hypo Thyroid should strictly stop cauliflower and cabbage intake.

How to make Punjabi special Gobi Parata

Goitrogenic Foods:

Some foods when eaten raw and in large quantities naturally contain chemicals that promote Goiter (Enlarged Thyroid Goiter i.e., a bulge in the neck area) and cause Hypo Thyroidism in some people. These chemicals are known as "Goitrogens".
Also Soy foods (like soya beans, mealmaker etc) should not be consumed.
Some foods that are high in Goitrogens include cabbage, Brussels, sprouts, broccoli, turnips, rutabagas, kohlrabi, radishes, cauliflower, African cassava, millet and Kale.


For Dough:
1. Wheat Flour - 1 1/2 cups
2. Salt - As per taste
3. Oil - 2 tsps
4. Water - As needed

For Stuffing:

1. Cauliflower - 1 cup (very finely grated)
2. Tomato - 1 (finely chopped)
3. Onion - 1 (finely chopped)
4. Green Chillies - 1 (finely chopped)
5. Curry Leaves - 5 to 6
6. Coriander Leaves - 1/4 bunch
7. Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
8. Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
9. Garlic - 1 tsp (crushed)
10. Red Chilli Powder - 1/2 tsp
11. Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
12. Salt - As per taste
13. Oil - 1 tbsp


1. Knead dough using above ingredients and allow it to rest for 1/2 to 1 hour.

2. Mean while, grate cauliflower very finely and boil it in water along with 1/2 tsp of salt and turmeric powder for 5 mins in a high flame.

3. Once water starts boiling heavily, switch off and remove top layer of the water.
4. Using a ladle take out cauliflower from the bowl and drain remaining water.
5. This is how I clean cauliflower before cooking it.

6. Now heat oil in a kadai, add mustard and cumin seeds.

7. Once they crackle, add onion, green chillies, tomato, curry leaves and saute well.
8. Now add cauliflower, turmeric powder, salt, red chilli powder, crushed garlic and cook well.
9. Finally add coriander, switch off and allow it to cool.

10. Now take dough and roll to equal sized balls.

11. Balls should be near to big lemon sized.
12. Flatten a dough ball, place a spoon of above prepared stuffing.
13. Now gather the dough from all sides and seal it finely.
14. Now again flatten it carefully and roll gently taking care the stuffing not to ooze out. 
15. Also dust the surface with flour when needed so that the paratha doesn't stick to the surface.
15. Heat tawa, drizzle some oil, place paratha over it and cook both the sides. 
16. Gobi Paratha is ready. Serve hot with raitha or curd.


1. Chop all veggies very finely so that during rolling they may not ooze out.

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