Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bobbarlu Dosa - Lobia Recipe in Hindi or Black Eyed Beans Dosa in english

Bobbarlu Dosa or Lobia Recipe is a healthy Dosa Recipe for Breakfast as it is rich in protiens, fibre and Vitamin B12. Also known as lobia in hindi, bobbarlu in telugu and lobia in english is called black eyed beans or Cowpea beans. Babberkaya is most common in telangana region usually available in early summers, you can buy and de-seed them but dry seeds are available through out the year in grocery stores. If fresh black eyed beans are not available then you can soak dry seeds overnight and use them in your recipes but fresh seeds taste much better. 

Bobbarlu Dosa - Lobia Dosa Recipe

I served this Lobia dosa with pudhina chutney. You can serve it with any chutney of your choice. The chutney need not be spicy, even a mildly flavoured one will also suits better because we add spices in the dosa batter itself.

Bobbarlu Dosa - Bobbarlu in Telugu


Bobbarlu Dosa - Lobia Recipe in Hindi or Black Eyed Beans Dosa in english

1. Fresh Bobbarlu(Lobia/black eyed beans) - 1 and 1/2 cup (extracted from 500 gms of        Babberkaya)
2. Green Chillies - 3
3. Coriander Seeds - 1 n 1/2 tsps
4. Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
5. Rice - 1/2 cup
6. Salt - To taste
7. Water - As needed
8. Oil - As needed

Must read other bean recipes,

Chick Pea Beans Stir Fry or Sondel

Hyacinth Beans Stir Fry or Sondel

Also read other healthy Dosa recipes for breakfast,

How to make Ragi Dosa with Onion

Sprouts Dosa

How to make Adai Dosa Recipe  

Rava Dosa Recipe-Ravvattu-Semolina Crepes


How to make Bobbarlu Dosa - Lobia Recipe (in Hindi and Black Eyed Beans Dosa in english)

1. Wash and soak lobiya (Bobbarlu) for 1 hour

2. Also wash and soak rice for 1 hour separately
3. In a mixer, add drained lobia and rice, also add green chillies, coriander and cumin seeds 

4. Add little water as needed and grind to a fine paste
5. Take batter into a bowl, add salt and water as needed to get a proper dosa batter

6. Heat a griddle, add a spoonful of oil, take a laddle full of batter and make dosa
7. Roast dosa on both the sides and take it into a plate

8. Like wise make all dosas using the batter and serve it with any chutney or pickle of your choice.

Hot Bobbarla Dosa or Lobia Recipe is ready to serve.

Lobia Recipe - Lobia in Hindi

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Balushahi Recipe - Makhan Bada - How to make Balushahi recipe in hindi

Balushahi Recipe is my dad's favorite sweet and is one of the easiest Diwali sweet recipes. Today we will learn how to make recipe of balushahi in hindi also called Makhan Bada (Vada) and known as badusha or badushah in telugu and tamil languages, Khurmi, Muni Pendawala etc in other north indian languages. Since Makhan (Butter) is used in its preparation Badusha is also called as Makhan Bada.

Balushahi recipe in hindi

For beginners making
Balushahi perfectly is a really difficult task.
Obtaining flaky texture inside each balushahi, frying them on a low flame and waiting patiently for them to get cooked properly and making sugar syrup in the right consistency are the 3 key points to be noted while making Badushas. I made them for the very first time and was successful. I learnt all those techniques correctly and followed them properly. I was so happy with their taste and texture. My hubby loved them a lot, he asked me to pack them in his lunch box so that he can serve to his colleagues and get appreciations for me.

Other festival sweet recipes, 
How to make Boondi Ladoo at home 
Raagi Laddu - Finger Millet Ladoos
Karjikai Recipe - Kobbari Kajjikayalu Recipe 
Ariselu Andhra special Sweet - Adhirasam in tamil

Ingredients for Balushahi Recipe - Makhan Bada 

(Makes 20 pieces)

1. All purpose flour (Maida) - 2 n 1/2 cups
2. Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
3. Ghee / Butter - 1/4 cup
4. Curd - 1/2 cup
5. Oil - For deep frying

Ingredients for Sugar Syrup:

1. Sugar - 1 n 1/2 cups
2. Water - 3/4 cup i.e. half of the sugar
3. Lime Juice - 1/4 tsp

Kneading dough:

1. In a bowl, take maida, add baking soda and ghee
2. Mix nicely, maida comes to a crumbled texture
3. Now add curd and mix nicely
4. Don't add water to knead, use only curd
5. The dough would be rough and not smooth like chapathi dough
6. Cover the dough and allow it to rest for 20 minutes

Badusha or Badushah

Making Sugar Syrup:

1. Heat a pan, add sugar and water
2. In medium flame keep stirring the sugar solution
3. When the sugar syrup boils up initially you will find bigger bubbles
4. As sugar solution thickens bubbles become smaller and whiter in colour
5. Now check the consistency of the sugar syrup
6. One string consistency is enough just like for gulab jamun
7. When one string consistency is obtained switch off the flame and allow the sugar syrup to cool down
8. Add lime juice to the sugar syrup and stir once

Must read easy sweet recipes,

Regi Pandu Chikki - Regipallu - Jujubes Recipe
Mango Burfi or Halwa - Mango fruit fudge 
Carrot Halwa - Gajar ka Halwa 
How to make delicious Walnut Rolls


How to make Balushahi recipe in hindi style

1. Heat oil for deep frying badushas in a thick bottomed pan
2. Heat oil on a low flame, because for frying them oil should be lightly hot
3. Unlike puris and pakodas, oil should be mildly hot for badushahs just like for kachoris
4. Now pinch some dough i.e. a lemon sized ball and press it flat, make a small dent in middle
5. The lemon sized ball should be rolled roughly to form rough edges
6. The ball and the edges should not be kneaded much, i.e. they should not be smooth this is the trick for making balushahis
7. If the edges are rough then while frying oil reaches deep into it and forms layers i.e. the flaky texture is obtained inside each piece
8. Make such badushas and fry in oil
9. When you drop a small mustard seed sized dough in oil then the dough should not float on top of oil

Makhan Bada or Makkhan Vada

10. It should come slowly to the top and only 1 or 2 bubbles should be formed around it while coming on to the top
11. This is the proper heating point of oil
12. Now drop in few badushas into the oil and fry till they become golden brown
13. It takes almost 10 to 12 minutes for them to get fried
14. They double in size while getting fried in oil
15. Keep rotating it upside down to fry them evenly
16. Once they double their size and golden brown colour is obtained, take them out from oil and put them into the sugar solution
17. Likewise make all, they absorb the sugar syrup within 5 minutes, take care sugar syrup should be warm enough while adding them

18. Take them out and cool them completely, you can store them in an air tight container, they stay fine for 10 days
19. Crispy from outside and soft and juicy from inside yummy and mesmerizing Balushahis are ready to relish their yumminess

Tips to follow while making Balushahi Recipe - Makhan Bada

1. While kneading dough, ghee should be mixed first and then only curd, otherwise ghee doesn't get mixed properly in the maida
2. Don't add water to knead, use only curd this tastes better, water reduces the taste
3. The dough would be rough and not smooth like chapathi dough

4. Oil for frying badusha should be mildly hot, otherwise they doesn't get cooked properly from inside
5. Correct heating point of the oil is, When you drop a small mustard seed sized dough in oil, the dough should not float on top of oil
6. It should come slowly to the top and only 1 or 2 bubbles should be formed around it while coming on to the top

7. Badushas should be rolled roughly, don't knead too much, the rough outer edges allows oil to enter inside and helps to get cooked properly and this is how a nice flaky texture is formed inside each piece
8. Take care sugar syrup should be warm enough while adding them

9. In Makhan Bada or Balushahi recipe no flavors are added such as cardamom powder, rose essence, saffron etc, just plain sugar syrup is enough.

Khurmi - How to make Balushahi at home

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How to make Sun Dried Curd Chillies Recipe - Sukhi Dahi Mirchi

Sun Dried Curd Chillies Recipe or Sukhi Dahi Mirchi or Challa/Majjiga Mirapakayalu is one of my favourite fryum varieties. Curd is called as Challa, perugu or Majjiga in telugu and Green Chillies as Mirapakayalu. It is also called Sukhi Dahi Mirchi in Hindi and Sun Dried Curd Chillies in english. These are usually made during hot and scorching summers as it is the perfect time for the chillies to get dried up completely.

How to make Sun Dried Curd Chillies Recipe - Sukhi Dahi Mirchi

I hate summers because of the scorching heat but I do love it as summer is the season which I enjoyed a lot during my childhood.
We cousins used to go to our grandma's place during the long summer holidays of our school. My grandpa used to bring mangoes which is the king of all fruits. We cousins used to fight for mangoes, we use to hide our mangoes saying we didn't get any and cry for more.

Everywhere around there would be a festive atmosphere, my grand mom, mom and my aunts used to be very busy making different varieties of vadiyams, like challa mirapakayalu, sago vadiyams, gummadi vadiyams etc. They also make different varieties of pickles such as mango pickle, lemon pickle etc and also many special recipes using mangoes such as halwas, juices, ice creams and what not. After holidays we used to come back to our homes and fall into our daily routine meanwhile cherishing those unforgettable and lovely holidays. Well my childhood ended long back now let us jump into our current recipe post.

Challa Mirapakayalu or Dahi Mirchi Recipe: (Stays good for 1 year)

Curd Chillies - Ingredients:

1. Green Chillies - 250 gms (Dark green coloured and tall and straight chillies should be selected as dark green colored chillies will be more spicy than light colored chillies)
2. Curd - 500 gms
3. Salt - To Taste

Find few more recipes which tastes awesome with this dry recipe,

Dal recipes:
Gangavalli kura pappu
Menthikura Pesarapappu/Methi Moong Dal 
Radish Moong Dal | Mullangi Pesara Pappu  

Rasam recipes:
Pachi Pulusu Recipe
Sorakaya Pulusu Recipe - Anapakaya Pulusu andhra Style - Bottle Gourd Recipe


How to make Sun Dried Curd Chillies Recipe - Sukhi Dahi Mirchi

1. Wash and wipe green chillies using a dry cotton cloth
2. Once you are done with wiping green chillies now make a slit on each chilli lengthwise keeping the stalks and ends intact as shown in the pic. You can keep the seeds or remove it is your wish, but I prefer keeping the seeds

Green chillies

3. Now in a blender add curd and salt and blend till nice buttermilk is obtained. Buttermilk should neither be too thick nor too thin
4. You can add very little water while making buttermilk but it is purely optional. Don't add too much water as water decreases the taste

Butter Milk - Curd

5. Pour the buttermilk in a flat bottomed vessel and immerse the slit green chillies
completely in the buttermilk

6. Put the vessel in sun light throughout the day, bring back the bowl during evenings and cover it with a plate. Covering with a plate during nights is nothing but to protect chillies and buttermilk from any insects etc 

Curd and green chillie marination

7. Repeat this procedure of putting vessel in sunlight during daytime and bringing it back and covering throughout the night, till all the buttermilk in the bowl is evaporated or dried up
8. Meanwhile you will notice the green chillies start turning pale and whiter in colour

9. Once the buttermilk is dried up completely, spread a paper or plastic sheet and place each chilli on it

Sun drying green chillies with curd

10. Drag this paper or plastic sheet along with chillies over it into the sun light in your balcony every morning and bring it back every evening
11. Repeat this procedure till each chilli becomes completely crisp and whiter
12. This whole drying procedure may take 10 to 15 days depending upon sunlight
13. Now store these curd chillies in an airtight container
14. While using, heat some oil in a pan and fry each curd chilli, it turns to dark brown in colour after frying
15. Serve these  Sun Dried Curd Chillies recipe with rice, dal and rasam or with any of your favourite dishes.
16. Most people like eating curd chillies with curd rice and Mango Pickle.

Challa-Majjiga-Oora Mirapakayalu

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sorakaya Pulusu Recipe - Anapakaya Pulusu andhra Style - Bottle Gourd Recipe

Sorakaya Pulusu Recipe. Sorakaya/Anapakaya/Lauki in english is called bottle gourd and Pulusu means mild flavoured tamarind juice brewed along with some spices. Also referred as Anapakaya Pulusu

Sorakaya Pulusu Recipe - Anapakaya Pulusu andhra Style Recipe

I love south indian bottle gourd recipes  a lot and this Sorakaya Pulusu recipe is one of my favourite.

I love the aromas coming out of the pan when it is brewed. Steamed Rice, Dal Tadka and this Bottle gourd in Tamarind Gravy tastes heavenly. Bottle gourd pieces nicely cooked in tangy tamarind gravy will be soft, juicy and yummy. 

There are many other stew recipes using different vegetables such as Bendakaya Pulusu using Ladies Fingers, Yam Pulusu using Yam, Mukkala Pulusu i.e. pieces such as carrot pieces, Potato, Sweet Potato pieces, Brinjal Pieces etc. Forgot to mention two more tasty recipes, Egg Pulusu and Onion Pulusu.

Sorakaya Pulusu Recipe - Ingredients

1. Bottle gourd (Lauki or Sorakaya) - 250 gms (Peel skin, Chop to 1 inch pieces,
remove seeds and gooey part on each piece)
2. Onion - 1 Large (Slice vertically)
3. Tomatoes - 2 Medium sized (Slice vertically)
4. Green Chillies - 4
5. Curry Leaves - 2 sprigs
6. Spring Onion Leaves - 2 to 3 sprigs (Finely chopped)
7. Coriander Leaves - 5 to 6 sprigs (Finely chopped)
8. Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
9. Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
10. Fenugreek Seeds - 1/4 tsp
11. Tamarind - A big lemon sized
12. Garlic Pods - 6
13. Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsp
14. Red Chilli Powder - 1 tsp
15. Coriander Powder - 3/4 tsp
16. Salt - To Taste
17. Fenugreek Powder - 1/4 tsp
18. Hing - 1/2 tsp
19. Oil - 3 to 4 tbsps
20. Water - 1 n 1/2 glass (To soak tamarind)

How to Prepare Anapakaya Pulusu andhra Style


How to Prepare Anapakaya Pulusu andhra Style

1. Wash and soak tamarind in water for 1/2 hour
2. After 1/2 hour, squeeze and extract thick tamarind juice and keep aside
3. Heat oil in a pan, when oil is hot add mustard, fenugreek seeds
4. Crush garlic pods and cumin seeds together, add this too
5. Now add green chilli, onion pieces, spring onion leaves fry till onion pieces turn
6. Add Fenugreek powder, hing, add Bottle gourd pieces, cover and cook for 5 minutes
till they become soft and tender
7. Now add tomato pieces, salt, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, coriander powder and mix, cover and cook for 2 minutes till tomatoes become soft and gooey
8. Now add tamarind juice, curry leaves along with their sprigs, finely chopped coriander leaves, mix once, cover and cook on medium flame for 10 minutes
9. Keep stirring meanwhile, after 10 minutes, switch off the flame and your tangy recipe is ready.


Bottle Gourd Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits:


- Rich in fibre and is a low calorie veggie. 14 Calories per 100 gms
- Aids in digestion and acidity
- Helps in hypertension, liver diseases, weight loss and Grey hair
- Treats Urinary disorders

Things you should know:

1. 1 large onion should be added for pulusu as it gives a nice creamy texture

2. Tamarind juice should be thicker. For pachi pulusu we use only small jujube sized tamarind soaked in 1 glass water and we get thinner juice. Whereas for pulusu we used 1 big lemon sized tamarind soaked in the same amount of water i.e. 1 glass to get thick juice.
3. Adding Fenugreek seeds and fenugreek powder give a nice taste and refreshing aroma to the recipe
4. For Pulusu, sambar, pachi pulusu and Dals we use only crushed garlic not ginger and garlic paste. Ginger n garlic paste is used for curries, gravies, Frys, some sort of flavoured rice varieties and all non-veg recipes
5. Adding curry leaf sprigs while it is boiling gives a nice flavour to the recipe, this is also a point to be noted while preparing these recipes. You can remove these sprigs later while eating

Sorakaya Pulusu or Anapakaya Pulusu is ready to serve, you can serve it with steaming hot rice and any dhal of your choice.

Anapakaya Pulusu with Dhal and Rice

Read more Dhal recipes:

   Gangavalli Kura Pappu
   Methi Pesarapappu or Methi Moong Dal

Monday, March 14, 2016

How to make Kasuri Methi at home, Methi Leaves Nutrition Facts

Making kasuri Methi at home is very simple and easy to store. Methi leaves nutrition is very good for health. Kasoori Methi Powder which is available in markets is nothing but dried fenugreek leaves. Let us know the difference between methi and kasuri methi, methi leaves are cooked by itself as a vegetable or can be mixed with others vegetables or moong dal, where as this methi powder is used for seasoning to enhance the flavor generally used in north indian recipes.

How to make Kasuri Methi at home

It is most commonly used in gravy recipes. It gives a nice flavor and
aroma to the recipe and also gives a restaurant like look and feel.
Kasoori Methi is crushed in palm and added to the recipes which mostly contain milk cream as one of the ingredient.

I have shown sun dried procedure. You can wash, pat dry and roast the leaves to make the instant version. But sun dried version stays for longer time.

Methi Leaves Nutrition facts

Methi leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals includes carbohydrates, protein, calcium, iron. As it is rich source of calcium it is good for arthritis and iron is good for treating anemic condition.


Methi in pregnancy

Good for lactating mothers as it increases breast milk production. Reduces labour pain, but caution, excess intake may cause miscarriage or premature child birth. Include this veggie in diet as its is good source of iron because women are more prone to iron deficiency during pregnancy

How to make Kasuri Methi at home - Procedure

(Makes: 50 gms of Powder)

Take 10 small bunches of Fenugreek Leaves
2. Wash and spread mint leaves along with stems in a plate
3. Put the plate in sunlight for 1 or 2 days
4. The leaves should become very crisp because of the hot sunlight
5. Now crush the mint leaves along with their stems using your hands and store them in
an air tight container

Also try this recipe:
Methi Moong Dal - Fenugreek Leaves with Green gram

Kasuri methi recipes:

We can also make parathas and puris using this Methi powder. 
It is also used in many recipes like Methi Matar Malai, Methi Chicken, Methi Paneer, Aloo Methi etc. 

Homemade Kasuri Methi leaves powder and its nutrition facts

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Before Bed Time

Most of us know the benefits of drinking green tea in the morning but are unaware on healthy benefits of drinking green tea before bed time and really it has positive results.

Before that let us know few facts about green tea. The antioxidants in tea help to boost immune system and reduce the risk of diseases like cancer, it can fight respiratory infections. Some people also make green tea gargling as a habit. 

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Before Bed Time

3 Benefits of drinking green tea before bed time  

  • According to research and studies drinking green tea at evening time may reduce the flu upto good extent.

  • Flavonoids in green tea help to fight against internal inflammations.

  • Making a habit of drinking tea before bed will relax us by soothing nerves and muscles.

It's best to have green tea 30 minutes before your meals and not after else it dilutes the gastric juices resulting in improper digestion.


Does green tea help you lose weight?   

Yes, then let us know how does green tea burns fat. If you take green tea with honey before bed time after the meals  it boosts metabolism by stimulating natural bowel movements and helps to burn fat and which has now become the daily routine drink for weight loss aspirants.  When you visit the supermarket you will find many brands of green tea, then you should know what kind of tea helps you lose weight which will be discussed later in a different topic.

Can green tea lower blood pressure?   

Yes, because now days we have short sleep durations due to busy and hectic life but usually a person should have sound sleep of at least 7-8 hours. Short sleep may increase high blood pressure and less than 5 hours may have 3 times increased risk of heart attacks.

How often should you drink green tea? 
One cup in the morning, one before your lunch, one in evening and one before dinner. But make sure you take in smaller amounts because anything over the limit is not good. Caution taking excessive green tea may lead to anxiety and I have seen how my friend suffered from that.