Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Carrot Beans Poriyal Recipe-How to make Carrot Poriyal

Carrot Beans Poriyal or Curry is a combo recipe and tastes awesome when we add coconut powder to it. If you How to make Carrot Poriyal then it is more or less same  version with few additions. Nutritionally carrot and beans are very healthy vegetables. Carrot is good for eyes and skin whereas beans is highly protein rich food and rich in fibre. This is basically a Karnataka style dish, People there use scraped and fresh coconut in most of their recipes.

How to make Carrot Poriyal - Carrot Beans Poriyal

Scraped coconut gives a rich taste to any recipe.This carrot beans recipe is a healthy and tasty combination and we can include this recipe in our daily meal routine as well.
Steamed Rice, sambar and Papadams as sides make a great combination for this recipe, apart from this it is a good side dish for chapati or phulka. There are a lot of poriyals which are gonna come in my blog space. Meanwhile you may also like my other beans recipes,

- Easy way to make Hyacinth Beans Stir Fry or Sondel
- Best way to make Chick Pea Beans Stir Fry or Sondel 

Okay, lets get back and learn how to make Carrot curry with beans and coconut. 

Carrot Beans Poriyal Recipe - Ingredients

1. Carrot - 200 gms
2. Beans - 200 gms
3. Coconut Powder - 5 tbsps
4. Green Chillies - 4
5. Onion - 1
6. Curry Leaves - 1 sprig
7. Coriander Leaves - 2 tbsps
8. Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
9. Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
10. Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsp
11. Salt - To taste
12. Red chilli powder - 1 n 1/2 tsps
13. Coriander Powder - 1 tsp
14. Oil - 3 to 4 tbsps
Also check this sweet recipe and learn How to make Carrot Halwa with Milkmaid

How to make Carrot Poriyal - Procedure

1. Heat oil in a pan, add mustard and cumin seeds

Carrot and Beans

2. Once they splutter add green chilli and onion pieces, curry leaves

3. Once onion pieces turn transparent, add carrot pieces, turmeric powder

4. Once carrot is cooked nicely add beans pieces and fry nicely

Carrot Beans Fry

5. When both carrot and beans pieces are cooked nicely add coconut powder, salt, red chilli powder and coriander powder

6. Mix nicely and cook for few more minutes

Carrot Beans Coconut 

7. Now switch off the flame garnish with coriander leaves and enjoy Carrot Beans Poriyal Recipe
Carrot Beans Curry Recipe 

 Hope you liked this carrot beans curry and share your experience if you How to make Carrot Poriyal more better and tasty.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Beetroot Rice for Toddlers-Easy Healthy Beetroot Recipes

Beetroot Rice or Beets Rice is a quick, easy and healthy rice recipe. It is a one pot meal which suits better for toddlers, for lunch box or for a quick dinner. Beetroot has many nutritional values. They are rich in vitamins such as vitamin A, B and C, minerals such as Potassium and Manganese. It is a good source of beta carotene and folic acid as well. Beets increase stamina, lowers cholesterol, increases hemoglobin in blood. 

How to make Beetroot rice recipe

Keeping in mind all the above nutritional values of beets, one should definitely include beets in their routine. But for people who hate beets it might sound uneasy.

There is an idea which might help beet-haters to include beetroot in their recipes. Beet-haters should try recipes with grated beetroot rather than using chopped beetroot pieces. This might help them in slowly incorporating beets in their routine.

Ingredients for Beetroot Rice Recipe

1. Beetroot - 1/2 cup (Grated)
2. Cooked Rice - 1 cup (Cooked and cooled to room temperature)
3. Green chillies - 3 to 4
4. Onion - 1 small
5. Salt - To taste
6. Mustard Seeds - 1 tsp
7. Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
8. Chana Dal - 2 tsps
9. Split Urad Dal - 2 tsts
10. Coriander Powder - 1 tsp
11. Oil - 2 to 3 tsps

Procedure - How to make Beetroot Rice for Toddlers

1. Heat oil in a pan, when oil is hot, add mustard and cumin seeds, urad and chana dal

Beetroot Rice Recipe for lunch box

2. When dals get roasted and seeds splutter, add green chilli pieces, onion pieces and salt
3. When onion pieces become transparent add grated beetroot
4. When beetroot is nicely cooked add rice and coriander powder, give nice stir and heat rice for 2 to 3 minutes

Beetroot Rice Recipe for toddlers

5. Now switch off the flame and serve beetroot rice recipe with Boondhi Raitha and any fryums

Beetroot Rice Recipe - Beets Rice - Beetroot Fried Rice

Tags: easy beetroot recipes, lunch box ideas, indian lunch box recipes, Healthy Beetroot recipes, recipes  for toddlers 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Capsicum Aloo Recipe - Potato Capsicum Sabzi for Chapati

This Capsicum Aloo Recipe or Capsicum aloo fry recipe is an easy to make veg recipe. Here Potatoes(aloo or alu) and Bell Peppers(Capsicum) are diced as cubes and cooked together along with the regular home made spices without using any special ones.

Capsicum Aloo Recipe

Capsicum Aloo Recipe is a very tasty and yummy combination, people who won't prefer capsicum much will surely love this recipe as potatoes are used to enhance the taste of the dish. Let us dive in
and know how to make aloo capsicum curry recipe

Previously I too didn't like capsicum much but when I have tried this alu capsicum recipe then I have become a great fan of this recipe. Now I prepare this curry atleast once a week for sure. I used green bell pepper, you can even use red or yellow bell pepper depending upon you interest.

Ingredients for Capsicum Aloo Recipe

1. Potatoes(Aloo) - 250 gms
2. Bell Peppers(Capsicum) - 250 gms
3. Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
4. Cumin seeds – 1/2 tsp
5. Green Chillies - 4
6. Onion – 1
7. Curry Leaves - 1 sprig
8. Coriander Leaves - 2 to 3 sprigs
9. Spring Onion Leaves - 2 to 3 sprigs (Optional)
10. Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
11. Red chili powder – 1 tsp
12. Salt – To taste
13. Coriander Powder - 1/2 tsp
14. Oil – 3 teaspoons

Apart from this dry capsicum potato sabzi i have also made capsicum masala gravy curry for chapathi and never miss to try this.

Also read other aloo recipes,  

How to make shahi Dum aloo gravy recipe with Baby Potatoes

How to make Potato kurma or Aloo curry andhra style

Procedure - How to make  Potato Capsicum Sabzi

1. Heat oil in a pan on medium heat. Once hot add mustard seeds, cumin seeds.
2. Then add onions and saute them till they are translucent. Add green chillies, curry leaves, spring onion leaves.

3. Then add potatoes. Mix well. Once potatoes are half cooked add capsicum.
4. Add turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder and salt. Mix well.

5. Cover the pan and cook it till both bell pepper and potatoes are properly cooked.
6. Garnish with corainder leaves and serve with rotis or steamed rice and rasam combo.

You can serve this dry capsicum aloo sabzi for chapati/roti or poori/puri or phulka or steamed rice with rasam or sambar as well.

                                                Potato Capsicum Sabzi

Potato Capsicum - Aloo Sabzi for Chapati

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saggubiyyam Chekkalu Recipe - Nippattu - Thattai Recipe in Tamil

Saggubiyyam Chekkalu or Thattai recipe is one amongst the traditionally made savouries during festive occasions. It is a variation of Rice Crackers which are made in different shapes and sizes also called as Sabudana Chekkalu, Nippattu recipe in kannada, Thattai murukku recipe in tamil, Appalu, Chekkalu in telugu.

saggubiyyam chekkalu-nippattu recipe in kannada

My friend's mom send me this savoury.
When I tasted chekkalu I really liked them a lot and was planning to do this since long. But I don't know how to make the recipe. I just figured out the process with a guess and it worked.The Sago Rice Crackers which I made matched with the rice crackers sent by my friend's mom. 

Saggubiyyam Chekkalu - Ingredients

(Makes 40 to 50 pieces, shelf life : 1 month)

1. Sago - 50 gms
2. Rice Flour - 300 gms
3. Red Chilli Powder - 4 tsps
4. Salt - To taste
5. Turmeric Powder - 1 tsp
6. Oil - For Deep Frying

How to make Nippattu Recipe in kannada or Thattai Recipe in Tamil - Procedure

1. Heat oil in a deep bottomed pan
2. Mean while wash sago and pour some water preferably 2 to 3 times the quantity
of sago
3. Keep this bowl containing sago on low flame and keep stirring
4. Sago becomes soft and gooey
5. When sago starts loosing its shape then immediately switch off the flame and pour sago in rice flour
6. Add red chilli powder, salt and turmeric powder to the flour and mix loosely
7. When sago is nicely mixed in the flour add water and mix nicely to form a dough
8. Pinch small portions of dough (a small lemon sized ball) and press them flat as discs
9. Now deep fry these discs in hot oil 2 to 3 at a time
10. Likewise finish off the whole dough, Saggubiyyam Recipes are ready to serve
11. They can be eaten directly or you can serve with tomato ketchup
12. 40 to 50 chekkalu can be made with the above mentioned quantities of ingredients
13. Shelf life for Saggubiyyam Chekkalu is 1 month

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Pachi Pulusu Recipe in Telugu-Pachi Pulusu Telangana Recipe

Pachi Pulusu is a telangana recipe soup for rice, its also called Raw Rasam Pachi Pulusu recipe in telugu as its made of raw tamarind which is not cooked or boiled. It is an uncooked tamarind soup with mild spices and a little tempering. It is very easy to make recipe which uses very few ingredients. It can be served with steamed rice, mudda pappu and vadiyalu makes a simple and sober yet delicious combo. It tastes heavenly with chicken or mutton gravy and steamed rice.

Pachi Pulusu Recipe in Telugu

Often people think Charu or Rasam are same but actually not. Pachi Pulusu is a raw(uncooked) version of tamarind soup whereas Charu/Rasam is a cooked and boiled version of tamarind soup.

Pachi Pulusu should be consumed within the same day of preparation whereas Charu or Rasam since it is a boiled version it stays fine for 1 to 2 days.

Let us start how to make pachipulusu recipe i.e. Raw Rasam

Ingredients for Pachi Pulusu Telangana Recipe

1. Tamarind - small lemon sized
2. Water - 1 n 1/2 to 2 glasses
3. Onion - 1
4. Green Chillies - 3
5. Coriander Leaves - 2 to 3 tbsps
6. Curry Leaves - 1 sprig
7. Red Chillies - 2
8. Red Chilli Flakes - 1/2 tsp
9. Mustard Seeds - 1 tsp
10. Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
11. Sesame Seeds - 1 tsp
12. Salt - To taste
13. Red Chilli Powder - 3/4 tsp
14. Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
15. Oil - 2 tsps

Also read: Sorakaya Pulusu or Anapakaya Pulusu and andhra style Bottle Gourd recipe

Procedure - How to make Pachi Pulusu recipe in Telugu

1. Wash and soak tamarind in 1 n 1/2 to 2 glasses of water for 15 to 20 mins
2. After 20 mins squeeze tamarind, extract thin tamarind juice and keep aside
3. Roast green chillies on flame and cool them a bit
4. Now take roasted and cooled green chillies, onion slices, coriander leaves, salt and red chilli powder in your hand, crush nicely and mix this in tamarind juice.
5. This crushing part is really essential bcoz just by adding these ingredients without crushing won't give the real taste

Raw Rasam Pachi Pulusu andhra style

6. Heat oil in a small pan, add mustard and cumin seeds, red chilli flakes, curry leaves and split red chillies to half and add.
7. Mustard and cumin seeds should become black but not burnt. This is very essential as the blackened mustard and cumin seeds give a nice flavour to the raw rasam

Pachi Pulusu Popu

8. Also add turmeric powder, sesame seeds. Switch off the flame and pour this tempering on the tamarind juice and mix nicely.
9. Hot andhra pachi pulusu recipe is ready.

Pachi Pulusu Telangana Recipe

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hakka Chilli Chicken Recipe - Chili Chicken Indian Recipe

Hakka Chilli Chicken Recipe is a popular Chicken Starters or Appetizer in any restaurant and a most common dish of the fusion Indo Chinese cuisine. Boneless chicken pieces are marinated and then deep fried and seasoned in 3 easy simple sauces for chicken to get the best spicy chilli chicken indian recipe either as fry or gravy. The Chinese Community from Canton settled at Tangra, a place on the eastern fringe of Kolkata hence its also called tangra style chilli chicken. It is a legendary dish served by the Chinese (Cantonese Hakka community) living in Kolkata, best served with Noodles.

Hakka Chilli Chicken Recipe

Let us discover how to make chilli chicken dry recipe. 

Ingredients for Chili Chicken Indian Recipe

1. Chicken Boneless - 500gms
2. Capsicum - 1 big
3. Green chillies - 2
4. Onion - 1 big
5. Tomatoes - 2 medium sized (Can be replaced with 3 to 4 tsps of Tomato Ketchup)
6. Curry Leaves - 2 to 3 strands
7. Coriander Leaves - 2 to 3 strands
8. Spring Onion Leaves - 2 strands
9. Ginger Garlic paste - 2 tsps
10. Lemon - 1/2 piece
11. Red Chilli Powder - 2 tsps
12. Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
13. Salt - To taste
14. Corn Flour - 3 to 4 tsps
15. Red Chilli Sauce - 1 tsp
16. Green Chilli Sauce - 1 tsp
17. Soya Sauce - 1/2 tsp
18. Vinegar - 1/2 tsp
19. Oil - For Frying

Procedure - How to make Hakka Chilli Chicken Recipe

1. Wash and marinate boneless chicken using salt, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, corn flour, lemon juice, 1 tsp of ginger garlic paste and rest it for 1 hr

chilli chicken marinade

2. In a bowl mix all these sauces for chicken i.e. Red chilli sauce, green chilli sauce, tomato ketchup, soya sauce and vinegar keep aside (Instead of Tomato ketchup and Green chilli sauce I used Tomato Puree and Green chilli paste)

How to make sauces for chicken

3. In a Pan roast or deep fry the marinated chicken pieces

4. Meanwhile, in a pan add 2 tsps of oil
5. Once oil is hot, add 1 tsp of ginger garlic paste, curry leaves and fry nicely
6. Now add onions, green chillies, capsicum pieces and fry nicely

7. Capsicum pieces should not get overcooked, they should be crunchy enough
8. Add mixed sauces in this and salt if needed
9. Now add fried or roasted chicken pieces to this and cook till sauces evaporate

10. Garnish with coriander and spring onion leaves, chinese chilli chicken indian style is is ready to serve.

Chili Chicken Indian Recipe

Lime and chilli chicken together tastes awesome and is a tempting flavour and nice aroma. You can enjoy it with rotis, naans, noodles, fried rices, biryanis, pulaos and with sambar rice also. Chilli chicken and fried rice is the best chinese combo.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ragi Dosa Recipe-Ragi Adai-How to make Ragi Dosa with Onion

Ragi Dosa Recipe or Ragi Adai or Nachni Dosa is a healthy easy breakfast recipe.Ragi grain or Finger Millet is a wonderful cereal, which has numerous health benefits. It is rich in iron, calcium and dietary fibre. It gives a feeling of fullness, so this is a smart way of consuming ragi for weight loss garnished with loads of onions.

Ragi Dosa

An awesome nutritionally healthy Indian crepe also called Ragi Attu or Ragi Kambu

Ragi (Finger Millet) is also Gluten free. It is good for diabetics. It is called as Keppai Dosai in Tamil and Nachni Dosa in Marathi. Do check my Ragi Laddu recipe also.

Ingredients for Ragi Dosa recipe :

1. Ragi Flour - 1/4 cup
2. Rice - 2 cups
3. Urad Dal - 1 cup
4. Salt - To taste
5. Water - As needed
6. Oil - As needed

Garnishing (for each Dosa):

1. Onion Pieces - 4 tps
2. Green Chilli Pieces - 1 tsp
3. Ginger Pieces - 1/2 tsp (Finely grated)
4. Carrot - 1 tsp (Finely grated)
5. Coriander Leaves - 1 tsp

Procedure: How to make Ragi dosa

1. Wash and soak Urad dal and rice for about 6 hours
2. Drain water and grind to a fine batter using water as needed
3. Add salt and ragi flour to the batter and mix nicely.
4. Heat a gridle and drizzle a spoon ful of oil, pour a laddle full of dosa batter and lay dosa

5. Flip over and cook on both the sides
6. Take into a plate and garnish with onion pieces, green chilli pieces, ginger pieces, grated carrot and coriander leaves
7. You can serve Ragi Dosa with sambar and any chutneys.

Keppai Dosai