Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Karappusa - How to make Karapusa recipe in telugu

Karappusa or Kara Sev whatever you call it is a most popular savoury in India. There are many variations of Karappusa like onion sev, potato sev, garlic sev etc. It is usually made during Krishna Janmashtami festival. Recipes with Aval (Poha) are made during Gokulashtami, in savouries this karappusa is popular on this festive occasion. There is another variation of karappusa named Nuvvula Karappusa where only Rice Flour is used in its making, no Besan Flour in the recipe.

Karappusa is an easy to make savoury. It doesn't take much time for the prior preparation and also it gets fried very easily.
My mom used to make this snack every now and then. We don't wait for the festival, we munch on this snack with tea or coffee in the evenings. Since we can store this savoury for few weeks, I used to munch on Karappusa on my early morning cup of coffee too. Now go ahead and learn the recipe, make karappusa and enjoy your evening cup of chais.

Ingredients for Karappusa (Shelf Life : 15 to 20 days)

1. Besan Flour - 2 n 1/2 cups
2. Rice Flour - 1 cup
3. Salt - To taste
4. Red Chilli Powder - 2 tsps

5. Oil
6. Crushed Garlic - 5 to 6 pods

Procedure - How to make Karapusa recipe

1. Using water mix besan and rice flours by adding salt to a thick dough
2. Heat oil for deep frying in a thick bottomed pan
3. Take some dough in kaarappusa mould and press in hot oil and deep fry
4. Fry them over medium-high flame until they turn golden brown in color and the bubbles subsides in the oil and then turn to the other side and fry again until it becomes golden in color
5. Remove from oil using a perforated ladle and drain in a colander or kitchen napkin. Repeat the process of sprinkling water and kneading the dough and pressing into hot oil and frying with the remaining portions
6. Allow it to cool down completely

7. Now crush the garlic and mix chilli powder to it
8. Once it is cooled down to room temperature you can add crushed garlic mixture and store it in dry air-tight container
9. Hot and tasty Kaarappusa savoury is ready to enjoy its delicacy. Serve it as a snack with tea/coffee.

Tips to take care off

1. Make the dough just before frying. The dough should neither be very smooth nor very thick. It should be soft, smooth and slightly sticky
2. If dough becomes hard, sprinkle enough water and mix again, don't add too much water.


Nuvvula Karappusa - How to make Nuvula karapusa recipe in telugu

Nuvvula Karappusa, Sev Recipe, Murukulu. How to make karapusa recipe for sankranthi festival.  


1. Rice Flour - 2 cups
2. Gingelly Seeds - 1/4 cup
3. Salt - To taste
4. Oma - 1 tsp
5. Oil


1. Using water mix all the above ingredients except oil to a thick dough.
2. Heat oil for deep frying.
3. Take some dough in karappusa mould and press in hot oil and deep fry.
4. Hot and tasty Nuvvula Karappusa savoury is ready to enjoy its deliciousy.


1. If desired can add red chilli powder also.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Andhra Ariselu Sweet - Adhirasam Recipe with Rice Flour

Ariselu is a traditional andhra sweet recipe. It is also referred as Adhirasam or Athirasa in Tamil and Kajjaya in Kannada. Most people feel it as a very difficult to make recipe. Hands on experience is mandatory. Even experienced people some times do make mistakes. It should be done carefully. If you know the key points where you need to take care then making Ariselu is not so tough. 

I used sesame seeds in this recipe, we can also use grated coconut.
It tastes even better than sesame seeds. After making Ariselu they are rolled in Khus Khus. Though it is optional, it looks good. Most common problem where people go wrong is, why Adhirasam will be crunchy instead of being soft and juicy. That is because of the flour used. Mill ground Rice flour should be used for making Adhirasam as the flour will be very very fine and also a bit moist enough which is a key point in making Athirasa. 

Andhra style Ariselu - Adhirasam

Ingredients for Andhra Ariselu or Adhirasam

1. Jaggery - 1/4 kg
2. Rice - As needed
3. Cardamom Powder - 1 tsp
4. Ghee - 1/2 cup
5. Sesame seeds - 4 to 5 tbsps
6. Oil - For Deep Frying
7. Water - As needed

How to make Adhirasam Recipe with Rice Flour

Preparation of Rice Flour:

1. Soak rice for atleast 2 to 3 hours.
2. After 2 to 3 hours, drain water from rice and dry the soaked rice on a cotton cloth for about 30 minutes.
3. Do not dry the rice completely, it should be moist enough but not watery. Grind it very very finely. It will be better if you get it grinded in the Flour Mill if available near by.
4. Otherwise grind rice in a mixer, sieve the flour and extract smooth rice flour from it. 5. Discard the hard rava which we get after seiving. Use this smooth flour for making ariselu
5. If you have any rice mill nearby then it is better to get the moist rice ground from there. Rice mill ground flour gives even smooth and soft ariselu than flour grinded in a mixer

Preparation of Jaggery syrup for Athirasa or Kajjaya:

1. Reddish and a bit soft jaggery suits better than hard yellowish or wheatish jaggery
2. Chop jaggery into pieces and put them in a pan, pour some water enough to soak jaggery. Heat it till jaggery syrup thickens

3. For making ariselu, consistency of the jaggery syrup is a hard round ball consistency and also you should be very careful till you get the required consistency
4. Take a small bowl of water, add a spoon of boiling jaggery syrup in the water. Try to roll the syrup you poured in water in the shape of a ball. If it doesn't take the shape of a ball, it means the syrup should be boiled further. Heat the syrup and check the consistency till you are able to roll it to a ball in the bowl of water
5. When desired consistency is achieved, immediately switch off the flame and add above said rice flour to this syrup, add cardamom powder, ghee, sesame seeds and mix well
6. Some people add ghee while making syrup itself. Mix well without any lumps. The dough will be a bit sticky. Don't add to much rice flour, it may turn hard. It should be soft and sticky enough

7. Cover the dough with a lid and keep it aside for atleast 1 or 2 hours
8. After the resting time, heat oil for deep frying in a pan
8. Take a ziplock cover, grease it with some ghee, take a small lemon-sized dough and flatten it as puri with your finger tips and fry it in oil. Flatten it a bit thicker than puris

9. It takes very little time to get fried so always keep low flame but enough hot

10. Once it turns brown, take out from oil, Squeeze excess oil from the adhirasam very lightly by pressing it between 2 laddles. Don't squeeze forcefully, ariselu gets dried and becomes crunchy which is not desired

11. Likewise make ariselu using the entire dough. Ariselu should be soft and very little crunchy.
12. Sweet and yummy Andhra traditional sweet ariselu are ready to enjoy.

Tips for Ariselu recipe:

1. Ariselu absorb heavy oil while deep frying so squeezing out excess oil is very much mandatory for good health. But don't squeeze complete oil as it becomes very crunchy and doesn't taste good.
2. I prefer you to observe someone making ariselu before your very first attempt bcoz the making turns out very difficult for a newbie. A crystal clear visual experience is mandatory.
3. Pressing them thicker than puris is mandatory also they should be pressed evenly. If you won't press evenly then when you put it in oil for frying it splits at the uneven side
4. Flour should be very fine there should not be any rava in the flour. If flour is not finely grinded properly and if it has little rava in it then when you put ariselu for frying then it splits and drowns in oil 

In short: Flour should be very very fine, moist enough, jaggery syrup should get hard and round ball consistency, while making Ariselu press them evenly they should not be uneven, press them thicker than puris, fry in very low flame, squeeze excess oil but not completely.
Ariselu - Adhirasam - Athirasa - Kajjaya

Banana French Fries | Raw Banana Fries | Green Banana Fries Recipe

Banana French Fries made of raw banana are good for health than made of potato. Also french fries of raw banana will be much crispier than of potato french fries.

Banana French Fries

Ingredients for Banana French Fries

1. Raw Bananas - 2
2. Salt - To taste
3. Oil - For deep frying

Procedure - How to make Banana French Fries

1. Heat water in a pan
2. Remove the skin of raw bananas and cut into 1/2*4 inch long thin sticks. (Just like potato French Fries)
3. Add salt to boiling water and add sliced banana sticks and boil untill banana sticks are 3/4rth cooked
4. Once done drain banana sticks from boiling water and pat dry on a kitchen towel
5. Now pack these banana sticks in zip lock cover and freeze them in the freezer for almost 4 hrs
6. After freezing for 4 hrs fry them in very hot oil untill they turn golden in colour
7. Once fried take them in a serving plate, sprinkle some salt and serve with tomato ketchup. Tasty raw banana french fries are ready to eat :)

Tips for Banana French Fries:

1. Whenever you fry any food item, place a laddle with holes in the hot oil and put the foodies in it and deep fry. Dropping foodies on the laddle helps the foodies to get fried evenly and with same colour  on all the sides. 

2. Bananas I used were a bit tender so I didn't fry them much hence they resemble potato french fries.

3. If u r gonna do potato french fries then follow the same procedure. 

4. For making french fries out of potatoes, you better use the non-starchy potatoes. Non-starchy potatoes will be having very thin skin, infact you can say the skin is not yet formed completely. 

5. Using such non-starchy potatoes help in getting golden crisp fries rather getting darker in color fries.

                                                  Banana French Fries

Green Banana Fries Recipe