Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Before Bed Time

Most of us know the benefits of drinking green tea in the morning but are unaware on healthy benefits of drinking green tea before bed time and really it has positive results.

Before that let us know few facts about green tea. The antioxidants in tea help to boost immune system and reduce the risk of diseases like cancer, it can fight respiratory infections. Some people also make green tea gargling as a habit. 

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Before Bed Time

3 Benefits of drinking green tea before bed time  

  • According to research and studies drinking green tea at evening time may reduce the flu upto good extent.

  • Flavonoids in green tea help to fight against internal inflammations.

  • Making a habit of drinking tea before bed will relax us by soothing nerves and muscles.

It's best to have green tea 30 minutes before your meals and not after else it dilutes the gastric juices resulting in improper digestion.


Does green tea help you lose weight?   

Yes, then let us know how does green tea burns fat. If you take green tea with honey before bed time after the meals  it boosts metabolism by stimulating natural bowel movements and helps to burn fat and which has now become the daily routine drink for weight loss aspirants.  When you visit the supermarket you will find many brands of green tea, then you should know what kind of tea helps you lose weight which will be discussed later in a different topic.

Can green tea lower blood pressure?   

Yes, because now days we have short sleep durations due to busy and hectic life but usually a person should have sound sleep of at least 7-8 hours. Short sleep may increase high blood pressure and less than 5 hours may have 3 times increased risk of heart attacks.

How often should you drink green tea? 
One cup in the morning, one before your lunch, one in evening and one before dinner. But make sure you take in smaller amounts because anything over the limit is not good. Caution taking excessive green tea may lead to anxiety and I have seen how my friend suffered from that.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Green Peas Puri - Easy Puri Recipe - Healthy Recipe of Puri with Matar

Green peas puri recipe is yet another easy tasty and Healthy Recipe of Puri which I tried using fresh green peas. Green Peas are abundantly available in markets during this winter. So I thought of trying much more new recipes using green peas. I made this recipe and it came out very well. It is much more tasty than I have expected. I have made it for the first time and my hubby fell in love with the puffed up green puris. So beautiful the colour was and also so refreshing and appetizing. Also called as Hare Matar ki Puri in hindi.

Easy Puri Recipe - Green Peas Puri

Green Peas Puri is a quick and easy puri recipe, you just need to grind green peas using very few ingredients which adds spice to the puri and have to mix this paste with flour and make a soft dough.

Roll into discs and fry, Pooris puffed up like ping pong balls are ready in your plate. I served them with pickle, you can serve it with any mildly flavored chutneys. Since it is already spicy I felt no need to use any curry or gravy as sides for this Green Peas Puri.

Easy Puri Recipe with green peas

1. Green Peas - 1 cup
2. Coriander - 3 to 4 sprigs
3. Spring Onion Leaves - 3 to 4 sprigs
4. Green Chillies - 3 to 4
5. Carom Seeds(Ajwain) - 1/4 tsp
6. salt - To Taste
7. Wheat Flour - 2 to 3 cups
8. Oil - For deep frying
9. Water - As needed
10. Bombay Rava - 1 tbsp

Other must try green peas recipes,

- Carrot Peas Pulao Recipe

- Mushroom Green Peas(Matar) gravy recipegravy recipe


How to make Healthy Recipe of Puri with Green Peas

1. Blend in mixer ingredients from 1 to 6 to a fine paste using little water

How to make puri dough with green peas

2. In wheat flour add bombay rava, salt, blended paste and knead to a fine dough, add water if needed

Mixing puri dough with green peas paste

3. Now pinch small lemon sized balls from the kneaded dough and roll as small discs i.e. as pooris and deep fry in hot oil

How to make puri dough

4. Hot Spicy and easy puri recipe with green peas are ready, you can serve this recipe of puri with any chutneys or pickles. Since it is already spicy I feel no need to use any curry or gravy as a side dish. But you can try these dishes Potato or Alu masala or Puri Kurma.

Easy Puri Recipe - Recipe of Puri with Matar