Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bread Toast

Masala Bread Toast is very easy, quick and a tasty breakfast recipe. Bread lovers really love this.


1. Bread - 4 slices
2. Onion - 1
3. Tomato - 1 
4. Turmeric Powder - pinch
5. Salt - To taste
6. Red Chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
7. Coriander Powder - 1/4 tsp
8. Oil - 2 tsps

 You can add carrot, capsicum 1/2 each, tomato ketchup and some coriander for garnishing if desired.


1. Heat oil, add finely chopped onion and tomato pieces and cook till onion pieces turn translucent and tomato pieces get shrinked

2. Don't overcook, crunchy onion pieces give nice taste to the toast
3. Add turmeric powder, salt, red chilli powder and coriander powder and saute for few seconds

4. Switch off and the stuffing is ready :)
5. Now toast the bread slices in a toaster or toast them on a tawa. Using oil for toasting is optional

6. After toasting the slices apply stuffing on the slices and serve hot


Serving Suggestions:
1. Can add lemon juice on the slices before serving

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pesarapappu Vadalu | Rubbudu Garelu - How to make Pesarapappu vadalu recipe

Pesarapappu Vadalu or Rubbudu Garelu, Also called Whole moong dal vada and It is best south indian andhra snack recipe. It tastes awesome with chicken or mutton gravy and tastes heavenly.


1. Moong Dal(Pesara pappu) - 1 glass / 2 cups / 200 gms
2. Green Chillies - 2 Nos
3. Onion - 1 big
4. Curry Leaves - 2 strands
5. Coriander Leaves - fistful
6. Coriander Seeds - 1 tbsp
7. Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
8. Garlic Pods - 4 to 5 Nos
9. Salt - To taste
10. Red Chilli Powder - 1 & 1/2 tsp
11. Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
12. Ginger - 1/2 inch piece (optional, if adding then reduce red chilli powder to 1 tsp)


1. Soak moong dal overnight or atleast for 2 hours
2. Remove water after soaking dal for desired time and pat dry the dal

3. Grind some onion pieces, chillies, coriander seeds, cumin seeds and garlic pods coarsely
4. Keep 4 tbsps of soaked dal aside and grind remaining dal along with above paste. This unground dal when added to the ground paste after frying gives nice crunchy taste

5. Grind dal coarsely to a thick paste. Don't grind it to too runny paste. Coarsely ground dal gives much taste than finely ground dal
6. Transfer to a bowl and add curry leaves, coriander leaves, remainig dal, onion pieces, salt, turmeric powder and red chilli powder and mix well

7. Heat oil in a kadai and make small vadas and drop them in oil
8. Fry in medium flame. You can fry 10-12 vadas at a time

9. Fry both sides until golden and crisp or until the inside gets cooked well
10. Drain vadas on paper towel and enjoy hot.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Brinjal Cashew Masala

   Brinjal Cashew Masala tastes yummy bcoz of cashews guest appearance :)


1. Brinjals - 500gms
2. Onion - 1 big
3. Curry Leaves - 10 leaves
4. Mustard Seeds - 1 tsp
5. Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
6. Hing - 1/4 tsp
7. Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsp
8. Salt - To taste
9. Red Chilli Powder - 3 tsps
10. Coriander Powder - 2 tsps
11. Coriander Leaves - 4 tsps
12. Cashew nuts - 20 Nos.
13. Oil - 3 tbsps


1. Chop brinjals vertically.
2. Heat oil in a pan, once oil gets heated add mustard and cumin seeds
3. After they splutter add finely chopped onion pieces, curry leaves and fry well
4. Add hing and turmeric powder and cashewnuts
5. Once cashews turn golden brown add chopped brinjals and fry well

6. Do not cover the pan with lid, it forms moisture and brinjals get boiled rather than fried
7. Fry brinjals completely upto 10 minutes
8. Once brinjals are fried nicely add salt, turmeric and coriander powders and cook for 5 more minutes so that all masala flavours are infused into the brinjals

9. Now switch off and garnish with chopped coriander
10. Brinjal Cashew Masala tastes yummy with rotis or sambar rice :).